
HTC One’s Ultrapixel Camera Explained in Recent Interview


The HTC One has been plagued with production issues, and the number one reason is that ultrapixel camera. Recently, ComputerWorld sat down with man behind the ultrapixel camera, and he explains the reasoning behind the new camera.

Symon Whitehorn is the man being questioned in this interview, and he first explains why HTC decided to change-up their game, since last year’s highly praised camera on the One series phones. He says that it was not a drastic change, and they just wanted to make a camera that took it a step further with image quality. I can back that up. It is not all about mega-pixels, which some people have a problem with. It is really all about capturing the colors, as well as the lighting. When asked why they went with just four MPs, he responded by saying they needed to find the right balance to fit in the HTC One’s camera sensor. Four MP is more than enough he explains, when it comes to low image lighting. He also goes on the mentioned the ISO issue they had with the One, when first units were released to the public. The images were coming out grainy, but that was soon fixed with an early OTA update.

I could go over EVERYTHING Whiteborn had to say, by I will just post the source link to the interview below. Check it out, and let us know your opinions.

Source: ComputerWorld