
HTC is releasing its proprietary apps for non-HTC phones, starting with HTC Zoe

proprietary apps for non-HTC PhonesHTC has previously promised that it would release its proprietary apps for non-HTC phones in the near future, and it appears that time is almost upon us. Later this week, a beta of the HTC Zoe app is going to be released. Debuted on the HTC One M7, HTC Zoe is a photo/video capture app that allows 3 second clips to be taken and when viewed as a gallery create a unique visual experience. It’s definitely a brave move for HTC to launch such an app among all its countless other competitors, but this is presumably just the start of an exodus for all HTC apps.

HTC executive, Drew Bamford, is leading the effort comprised of a 260-strong team, so it’s definitely an effort that HTC isn’t shying away from, and one that it looks committed to following through with given its devotion of resources. Other HTC apps are sure to follow, including BlinkFeed. It’s good to see a manufacturer branch out and bring its proprietary apps to the Google Play Store for all the try; it’s definitely something that might even sway potential buyers towards their own devices.

What do you think about HTC releasing its proprietary apps for non-HTC phones? Let us know your thoughts.

Source: Recode via The Verge