
HTC Rezound and LG Spectrum see price cut, save $100 Bucks

Verizon seems to be cutting costs on devices left and right lately. They don’t even need a holiday to try to get you to upgrade or switch. The latest offering from Verizon brings the LG Spectrum and HTC Rezound price down by $100 bucks. Making the ability to snag either much more affordable. You can’t go wrong with either device if you are looking for a new phone and aren’t interested in dropping a car payment to get it. Out of the two devices we personally think the LG Spectrum is a bit better. To each their own though. Take a look at the comparison chart provided by Verizon, and you can see why we would pick it over the Rezound. By the way the Rezound is on the left and the Spectrum is on the right.

Not to mention the Spectrum has a slightly larger screen at 4.5-inches compared to the Rezounds 4.3-inch display. Personally it comes down to the Spectrum having a bigger battery, better battery specs out the gate and weighs less. On the other side of the coin though, you can pick up the ‘never advertised’ Samsung Galaxy Nexus for $99.99 through Amazon Wireless. Seems a bit silly to go to Verizon and spend $300 when you can get the king of devices for the same price as their sale devices. Alternatively, Amazon Wireless also has both the Spectrum and Rezound available for only $79.99. Kinda makes a person wonder why they wouldn’t order through Amazon instead of hitting carrier stores or websites.

Via Verizon