
HTC Sense 7 screens show what it is shaping up to look like with Lollipop

Androids latest installment of Android treat, Lillipop, is all the rage right now. With Android 5.0 it is readily apparent that manufacturers are finally being forced to up their game a little bit and bring in more of the Google design elements to their own skins. This is a win for Google, the OEMs, and the consumers really. While we don’t get much of a look at everything that HTC has been working on, a couple of leaked screens do show some pretty fantastic Material Design elements at play.

HTC sense 7 Android 5 Lollipop

It might be a bit of an adjustment for many, while others coming into Android for the first time will more than likely be in awe of the bold coloring. It will be interesting to see the various manufacturers approaches to the new Android version. Google is expected to release the final Android 5.0 Lollipop code on November 3rd when the Nexus 9 officially becomes available. HTC has said that they will have the Lollipop update available 90 days from Google release, at least for the HTC One M8. The One M7 and others should be in the mix too. That would put it out just after the New Year. How long it takes to get certified and pushed through the various carries is a totally different story.

Source: HTCSource