
HTC Teases HTC One Mini Announcement Tomorrow


Some call it a rumor, I call it blatantly obvious. The HTC One Mini looks like it will be announced by HTC sometime tomorrow. As you can see from the image above, it is pretty obvious what they plan on showing off tomorrow. The headline “a ‘little’ bit of news tomorrow”, from an HTC UK Twitter account, also confirms this news. Not sure if they plan on having a streamed event, but we will certainly be seeing that “somewhat” smaller version of the HTC One.

These mini phones, to me, do not seem so, well, mini. 4.3 inch screen is what I have right now with One S, and I would think mini would be a device 4 inches or smaller. A compact phone with awesome specs is what these OEMs should strive for, but if they are only going to go down to 4.3 inches, so be it. Like I said, I do not see any indication of any kind of live streamed event tomorrow, but we will keep you posted on the announcement.

Source: Android Central