
HTC Thunderbolt 4G Dummy Photo [UPDATED]

Update: Kellex from Droid-Life points out to Android Central that the “exclusive” pic actually has been around for months, so please folks ignore this.

A tipster over at HTCPedia has sent an image of the HTC Thunderbolt 4G dummy phone. Although this is only the back of the phone, it is nice to see what all it is going to offer. As you can see it is going to have a kick stand like the HTC Evo 4G, as well it is now confirmed that the phone will have dual-flash and an 8MP camera. Earlier this morning we reported on the specs of this device, and just by this dummy phone we can confirm at least two of these specs. I’m sure more will start to merge over the weekend and early next week before the release. Stay tuned here at AndroidStory for more details about this phone as they emerge.

Via: HTCPedia