
HTC to Release a Phone Made with Liquid Metal?


When it comes to sheer design of a phone, HTC definitely knows what they are doing. The drawback, it takes a little bit longer to mass produce devices with a metal casing. There is now a new rumor that just might be the answer HTC is looking for, and this rumor is that they will be releasing a new phone later this year that will be made out of a liquid metal casing. Where is the T-1000 from Terminator 2?

According to DigiTimes, HTC will be working with chassis maker Jabon International, to make this new liquid metal phone. Obviously when you hear liquid you think, well, liquid. Liquid metal can be shaped just like how plastic can be shaped, but the outcome makes the casing twice as stronger than other titanium alloys. Other accessories companies out there have adopted the liquid metal method, and if you are still kind of confused by the process, check the Omega Watch video below. They explain the process a little bit, and it sounds like HTC should convert over to this process to design even better devices in hopefully less time. Let u know what you guys think about this method.

Source: HTC Source