
HTC Unlocked Bootloader coming soon, but Rogers gets them from day one!

HTC Sensation Front

HTC Sensation Front

Remember a couple of weeks ago when HTC posted this statement on Facebook that just teased us with the possibility of eventually getting an unlocked bootloader on our devices.


**UPDATE 7/10** We wanted to provide an update on HTC’s progress with bringing bootloader unlocking to our newest phones. We know how excited some of you are for this capability, and we’ve put significant resources behind making this change as soon as possible. While we wish we could flip a simple switch and unlock all bootloaders across our device portfolio, this is actually a complex challenge that requires a new software build and extensive testing to deliver the best possible customer experience. We’re thrilled to announce today that software updates to support bootloader unlocking will begin rolling out in August for the global HTC Sensation, followed by the HTC Sensation 4G on T-Mobile USA and the HTC EVO 3D on Sprint. We’re in the testing phase for the unlocking capability now, and we expect it to be fully operational by early September for devices that have received the software updates. We’ll continue rolling out the unlocking capability over time to other devices as part of maintenance releases and new shipments. HTC continues its commitment to unlocking bootloaders and supporting the developer community. Because of the importance of this community to us, please expect an update on this about every few weeks as we make progress toward launch. Thank you for your patience and continued support!


Keeping us all waiting in the wings for the unlockable bootloader, HTC appears to be releasing the EVO 3D to Rogers with an unlocked bootloader right out of the door. On RedBoard today, Rogers stated “Yes, our HTC EVO 3D will have an unlocked bootloader”.  You lucky Canadians can start cracking open the champagne and rejoicing at the lucky launch you guys are getting.  In the meantime, we keep waiting, with ROMs already created in the community, for an unlocked device to install them on.

Source: Rogers RedBoard



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