
HTC Vision to come with qwerty

Not since the G1 has there been a quality HTC Android with a slide out keyboard. You could say the soon-to-be released MyTouch Slide is an option, but with the number keys lumped in with the top alpha row and a retail price of $399, it simply does not fall into the same category as Droid Incredible or Desire.  Keyboard hold outs, there is hope. HTC has confirmed they do have some keyboard models in the works (translated from Dutch):

HTC is planning Android devices with a physical keyboard to it, said director Mark Moons HTC Benelux this week at “Since the HTC Touch Pro2 have no physical keyboard devices with more released. There are, however, weather models with physical keyboard, with Android.” has gotten a hold of a user agent profile for a device being called HTC Vision. What’s so special about it?

That’s right, qwerty keyboard, 480×800 resolution, and Tweakers is also saying the device will have a WVGA display. Think Desire with a keyboard, now that would really be the HTC qwerty we’ve been wanting. Those crazy Dutch have even taken the liberty of making a very hopeful mock-up. Would you buy it?

[Source Tweakers, Engadget]