
HTC’s camera focused accessory makes an early appearance

In about two weeks HTC will be showcasing something new at a press event scheduled in New York. The invite pointed towards a camera accessory of sorts. In a tip from an inside source we heard that the device would be of cylindrical shape, be waterproof, have a 16MP sensor with an ultra wide-angle lens and connect to your device with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. At least looking at the images that were recently pulled out by a redditer and the accompanying video.

HTC ReCamera

It kind of looks like a snorkel. The earlier report offered up information pertaining to it being waterproof, at least to some degree. HTC has teased that aspect of the camera in the video that they published on a promotional recamera webpage.

The reddit poster also pulled out mentions of ReMoments. I assume this is what the app for Android and iOS will be called. To push things a long a little, HTC also opened up a twitter account that will apparently be dedicated to the camera. You can find it at @re_camera. It only offers up the single tweet below, but I am sure it will start to heat up closer to the event.

It should be a pretty good little accessory item of sorts for HTC to release, especially since initial indications point to cross platform support.WE will have to wait until the official announcement to see what HTC plans to price it at and when it will become available. What are your first thoughts and impressions from the video and images pulled out?

Source: Reddit | REcamera Via AndroidPolice