• News
  • 15 July, 2015

HTC’s Mo Versi confims HTC One M8 will be getting Android M update

Given HTC‘s recent financial troubles and a knack for being unpredictable, you could have been forgiven for thinking that the future Android M updates could be in doubt for HTC’s older devices. HTC One M8 owners, at least, can breathe a sigh of relief as HTC’s VP of Product Management, Mo Versi, confirmed on Twitter today that the HTC One M8 will be getting Android M update.

Naturally, no timeframe was given, though we’re going to go out on a limb and guess HTC won’t be promising a 90 day window this time – but for many, the promise itself is more than enough. The next question of course is when Android M is going to be released, which according to last year’s release should be sometime around the end of October or early November. Given this timeline, and even assuming a 90 day delivery, HTC One M8 owners shouldn’t expect an update before February, and of course plus a few months if you have a carrier variant – we’d love to be wrong though.

What do you think about the HTC One M8 getting Android M? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Phone Arena