
HTC’s Mysterious PHABLET Phone Poses for Mr. BlurryCam Again

Last week we got a glimpse of HTC’s new mystery device, and buzz started over the net that it was going to be HTC’s answer to the Galaxy Note. The supposed 5-inch phone posed in Verizon colors, but there was also speculation that it might the rumored HTC X+. Have you lost sleep over this? Yeah…neither have I.

So the mysterious device poses for Mr. BlurryCam, which seems to have been taken by an HTC One X judging by the reflection on the screen. Certainly does not look like a huge phone, but there is not much to tell from the blurry photo. We are all just going to have to wait that HTC event that is supposed to happen on September 19th, that they are sending invites out as we speak. My guess is we will see this mysterious and intriguing device, rocking Jelly Bean with Sense 4.5 on it. Hopefully HTC has some tricks up its sleeves if they plan on competing against the Note. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Android Community