• News
  • 23 July, 2010

HTC’s Take on Building Production Capacity

HTC has gone on record to say that they are, in fact, “heavily investing” in expanding their manufacturing plant by building new facilities to meet the increasing demand of HTC devices. With such a big shortage of HTC devices, HTC would need to add facilities just to meet the demand. We can see how a shortage affects us by looking at the two most popular shortages: the HTC Droid Incredible and the Sprint HTC Evo 4G. The demand is so high for these devices that Samsung is on their heels, shipping over a million devices in less than a month. HTC, one of the largest handset makers around, plans to launch more top devices this year and with the shortages of their pasts devices, consumers might settle for what is readily available.

HTC’s UK Direct, Jon French stated to Mobile Magazine:

“We are catching up. We are still in a position where the demand keeps growing and like any good manufacturer, it takes time to build up capacity just to meet demand so we are doing that now by very heavily investing in new production capacity and we will catch up very, very soon”

Source: Eurodroid

Do you think customers would head to what is readily available or would they wait for HTC? Let us know in the comments below.