A number if US politicians have written letters to the U.S. State department asking for an urgent investigation into Huawei’s activities in Iran.
“We ask you to expeditiously investigate whether Huawei and other telecommunications firms have violated section 106 of CISAD A by providing sensitive technology to the Iranian government that is or has been used to restrict the speech of the Iranian people and the free flow of unbiased information in Iran, and that you ensure taxpayer funds are not being used to support companies engaged in such activity,” the politicians said in their letter.
That letter was signed by six individual politicians. Huawei has recently scaled back work being done in the country and denies ever selling them any equipment that could be used to track mobile users.
“One of the fundamental principles governing Huawei’s global operations is to be in strict compliance with all relevant international and local laws and regulations, including applicable U.S. laws and regulations,” the company said in a statement. “Unfortunately, a few members of Congress continue to cite inaccurate media reports that include groundless allegations and inaccuracies.”
I know other countries outside the U.S. have some pretty strict policies and limitations on technology. Be it for better or for worse, I wouldn’t dare make a statement on that. The potential investigation shouldn’t have any bearing on activities here in the states, but if they uncover anything questionable there could be a hefty fine tossed in.
What do you guys think? Anyone out there more versed in worldly events care to share some light on why there is such a restriction in that country, or in others? Even though the U.S. has some crazy things in place, I can’t imagine living with out the technology we have and take for granted every day.
Source: Cellular-News