
Huawei has unveiled quick charging batteries that charge up “10 times faster than current batteries”

In lieu of improvements to battery density, the only other way that we can get better battery performance out of our mobile devices is to have them charge back up as quickly as possible. Qualcomm’s Quick Charge technology is obviously the most prominent example of this, but Huawei has unveiled quick charging batteries at the 56th Battery Symposium in Japan that improve even on that formula. According to Huawei, they have created a 600mAh battery that charges 68% in two minutes and a 3,000mAh battery that charges up to 48% in five minutes.

For reference, the recently announced Quick Charge 3.0 that will be available on the Snapdragon 820 processor will allow for 80% to be charged up in 35 minutes, substantially slower that Huawei’s technology. This performance is said to be thanks to “bonded heteroatoms to the molecule of graphite in anode, which could be a catalyst for the capture and transmission of lithium through carbon bonds” which sounds as amazing as it is complicated. The only catch is that Huawei didn’t mention when this technology would be available for commercial use – we’re really hoping it’s soon.

What do you think about Huawei’s quick charging battery technology? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Droid-life