
Huawei Honor passes through the FCC, sporting AT&T bands this TIme

The U.S. already has the Huawei Honor under the alternate name of the Huawei Mercury on Cricket Wireless. The device itself might not be something phenomenal compared to others on the market, but it still has its perks. A 1.4 GHz single-core processor, 8MP camera with 720p recording, front facing camera and 4GB’s of internal memory. None of that is truly outstanding but good non the less. What makes this device shine is the 4-inch FWVGA 854 X 480 display. It looks absolutely stunning.

It appears that AT&T might be looking to snag up the device in the near future. A recent filing through the FCC pegs the device with all the proper bands for AT&T support, at least their 3G side of things. If it does make it AT&T it is most likely going to be launched at a mid-ranged device price. After all, they can’t charge an arm and a leg just because the screen is pretty. To make this a more tempting device, the Honor already has an up and running version of Ice Cream Sandwich on it in China. That should hopefully mean that an ICS update stateside shouldn’t be to far off.

I know a fair  amount of our readers prefer the high-end devices, but would you consider picking one of these up at some point? If I could find one on Craigslist for cheap I might be tempted to snag it just for the heck of it.

Source: UnwiredviewÂ