
Humble Bundle With Android 6 Is Out Now With Debut Games

humble bundle with android 6

Looks like Droidgamers called it; sure, they weren’t quite as accurate as the previous Humble Bundle, but the fact that they guessed that Frozen Synapse Android was delayed because of it was a good pick. And so without further ado, Humble Bundle With Android 6 is here, featuring some great games for both PC and Android.

Of note in the bundle is the Android release of Frozen Synapse which has been absent without leave for some time even after Mode 7 claimed it would be out by the end of May. The bundle will nominally include:

  • Aquaria
  • Fractal
  • Organ Trail: Director’s Cut
  • Stealth Bastard Deluxe
  • Pulse

And of course, if you pay more than the average price, which at the time of writing is $4.70, you will also get Broken Sword: Director’s Cut and Frozen Synapse. Hit the link below if you’re ready to bundle your humbleness.

Who’s getting Humble Bundle With Android 6? Let us know how you go with the games.

Source: Humble Bundle