
Humble Mobile Bundle 6 is live, offering games like Threes! and Combo Crew

humble mobile bundle 6For the thrifty mobile gamer, there is always one source of mobile games that will always be great value: the Humble Mobile Bundle. This also applies if you’re hoping to contribute for a charitable cause as the Humble Bundle establishment helps split all proceedings from the game sales to developers and charities. The latest Bundle, the Humble Mobile Bundle 6, offers another 6 fantastic games; check out a brief video showcasing all the games on offer:

If you just pay a token amount of money, you will get access to Eliss Infinity, Duet Premium and Combo Crew Special Edition. If however, you pay over the average price (which at the time of writing is a mere $4.22 USD), you will also get Threes!, Mines of Mars, Jon Dever’s Lone Wolf: Full Game, as well as any games that are added to the bundle in the future. It’s great to see such a great initiative still going strong, so make sure you contribute and get yourselves some fantastic games. You’ll have until August 19th to jump on this deal, so get on it here!

What do you think of the Humble Mobile Bundle 6? Let us know your opinion in the comments.

Source: Humble Bundle