• News
  • 9 February, 2012

Ice Cream Sandwich Calendar widget house funny Easter Egg

Google does some of the crazies little thing with in our beloved OS. We are all familiar with their ability to hide funny little things on their website, in the browser tab and by clicking a bunch of times on a certain bit of info inside your device. Somethings aren’t so much hidden as they are overlooked. The latest and funniest one so far that we have seen, is located in the widget section of any ICS ROM or ICS powered device. If you look closely at the list of calendar events you find some clever events planned out.

Some investigation has already gone under way to see if it is some secret release date of something in September, but Tuesday the 26th doens’t happen again till 2016. Looks more likely that the Google guys have a sense of humor and didn’t want to bore us with end of year meeting schedules. Anyone find anything else that makes you laugh just a little?

Via RootzWiki