
Ice Cream Sandwich device list update released by Motorola, does your device make the Cut?

Motorola knows just how important updates have become to Android users. They don’t want users of their products to sit around for years wishing they had bought another device Their engineers have been hard at work to see just which devices they can feasibly update and how to integrate their touches at the same time. Even though many of us wish they wouldn’t, that just wont ever happen. This morning Motorola released an update on their main blog outlining the devices that they plan to push ICS too.

  • DROID 4
  • ATRIX 2

The list includes many of the newer RAZR devices and the DROID 4, that isn’t surprising though. Seeing the Photon 4G and both Atrix devices is a bit more of a surprise.

The more complicated part is the update timeline. ICS should be landing for the XOOM Family Edition and Motorola RAZR in Q2. Q3 has plans for the Atrix 4G, Atrix 2, Photon 4G XOOM 2, XOOM 2 Family Edition and both WiFi XYBOARDS. The remaining devices such as the DROID 4, Bionic, Droid RAZR MAXX and Verizon’s XYBOARD are listed but have no timeline available. Being that most are Verizon devices, we will have to wait for them to bloat up the update anyway they can before they get released.

All in all, a good number of devices seem to be in the works. Will they all see an update before the year is over? We can only hope so. We try to stay optimistic about updated lists and future plans, but we have heard so many broken promises from manufacturers and carriers in the past that it is sometimes hard. Lets keep out fingers crossed for all you Motorola owners out there.

Source: Motorola