
Ice Cream Sandwich dialer cloned for use with Epic 4G Touch

Seems as though no one can get enough Ice Cream Sandwich for their devices. Even if it just a modified apk that looks like ICS, people are crazy for it. Although the new look is great, new icons and a new color doesn’t always feed your addiction for the latest and greatest. If you are still a junky like the rest of us though, XDA member ssconceptz has taken some time out of his life to theme up the standard contacts.apk located in your Epic 4G Touch.

*Note* Your tabs will not be ICS tabs as seen in the image because this will reflect your roms theme for tabs. You will however get the ICS tab icons and ICS Icon.

Screen shot shows the ICS Dialer running on Overstew’s ICS Theme for Starburst & midNight.

If you are ready to snag up some more themed out ICS love for your device, head on over to ssconceptz’s XDA thread for files, updates and full instructions.


Source: XDA