• News
  • 24 October, 2011

Ice Cream Sandwich gets better and better every day, native stylus support Discovered

The more and more time that passes as we near the official launch of the Galaxy Nexus and Ice Cream Sandwich the more we find out. It should come as no surprise that there is a lot more to ICS than what we have all seen. There is so much information to digest that it can be a little overwhelming. One of the latest discoveries comes in the way of native stylus support.

Although many of us may absolutely hate the idea of having a stylus for our phone, it serves many purposes. We have seen them pop up in devices like the HTC Flyer and Samsung Galaxy Note. Rather than being a necessity they are more of an accessory. None of us want to have to pop out a stylus to navigate our devices. That was one of the more irritating things about my old T-Mobile Wing. They are however becoming fairly popular for artists, taking hand written notes and a whole host of other things that can make your device do more for you. Buried inside of ICS there are details that list “full support for stylus input events”, including features like pressure sensitivity  and distinguishing from various motion events form various sources.

There would still need to be some hardware support from the various manufacturers, but at least now the ability is native. I can see this being good news for various reasons. It allows more developers to create third-party apps for our devices that can take advantage of the ‘pen’ across multiple devices instead of being locked down to certain ones. Making our devices do even more for us then they already do.

Source: Engadget