
Ice Cream Sandwich headed to Galaxy Note and Galaxy S2 March 1st?

Yet again we see some more Ice Cream Sandwich information emerge. Not from an official channel, but from Eldar Murtazin. Who, coincidentally enough, seems to know what is going on most of the time. According to him, the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S2 should be picking up an Ice Cream Sandwich update on March 1st.

We wont hold Eldar to that statement, but is sure as heck would be a good time to drop an update. This is no doubt going to be aimed at the international unlock versions first as usual. Don’t expect your stateside version to see it for a while after March. Much of that still rests on the carriers and how and if they want to get it to their customers or not.

In the mean time we will continue to keep an eye on what is happening in the world of Ice Cream Sandwich and let you know what developes.

Source: Twitter via Phandroid