
Ice Cream Sandwich list updated by HTC, all four Sensation variations scheduled for March

Idle hands are the devils plaything. Not having Ice Cream Sandwich supported by our carrier and manufacturer puts many of us at wits end. It forces us to attempt root, test out experimental builds and cause some serious migraines and loss of sleep. Even though our developers are doing an amazing job to bring us some ICS variations, not having the official release makes life a bit tricky at times. This morning though HTC was nice enough to drop a  little update on progress to their Facebook page.

They are claiming that an ICS update will begin rolling out by the end of March for the HTC Sensation, HTC Sensation 4G and HTC Sensation XE, with the HTC Sensation XL shortly there after. Most of those devices are all international devices, but, correct me if I am wrong, the Sensation 4G is only a T-Mobile version, right? That is good news for us. Just because HTC releases it though doesn’t mean T-Mobile will be on board by March though. We can hope.

In addition tot he Sensation line, HTC also confirmed a list of devices that will get an ICS update later this year. They are listed below in no particular order.

Looks like a descent list, although I am not all that thrilled about the ‘later this year’ statement attached. At least it looks like various devices on various carriers will get a taste of HTC’s ICS. If you are a loyal HTC fan, you may want to consider keeping up with their announcements via their Facebook page.

Via Facebook