
Ice Cream Sandwich testing completed by T-Mobile and HTC, soon to hit Sensation 4G

We always knew the HTC Sensation 4G for T-Mobile would get an Ice Cream Sandwich update eventually. A great many users around the globe have been graced with it already, leaving a sour taste in many current users mouths. A while back we heard that HTC sent the update to T-Mobile for final checks but it didn’t pass through their quality checks and was sent back over to HTC for some more work. Not much else was heard about the ICS update until a few days ago where a leaked update document pegged the Sensation to see ICS on June 16th. Looks like that target date is easily within range but doesn’t seem likely anymore.

Just today a new post went up on the T-mobile support site updating everyone about the Sensation 4G ICS update. They say that T-Mobile and HTC have completed all testing of the software and expect and update to be released “very soon.” In my eyes that means June 16th was a safe date, but we should be looking to see it going out with-in the next week or so and be completed by June 16th. At least that is my speculation and hope. The update will bring in a bunch of new things, most notable is ICS and Sense 3.6.

You guys ready to finally get that update, or did you abandon all hope and jump to the HTC One S already?

Via T-Mobile, Thanks Kevin