
[Icons+Docks+Wallpapers] Wood Deck by DroidDeck

I read somewhere in the depth of the XDA forums, that some people were looking for a wood deck style theme similar to that which can be found on the MyTouch Slide. I may not have found exactly what you guys were looking for, but it’s a start.

DroidDeck on XDA posted some great looking themed icons and docks a few months back that can give you a bit of the same look. Take a gander –

There is even a clock to match the icons included. There are various ways to get these working on your device, ADWLauncher, LauncherPRO or DesktopVisualizer. I am sure I am leaving something out, but those seem to be the most popular.

I particularly like the shadowed android guy that’s on the decking its self. If you happen to be craving a little decking styled icons, head on over to DroidDecks XDA thread and pick up the the icons. Hope these get some use, don’t forget to thank the developer for his work, they really like that.

Source: XDA