
iDEN Motorola i866 Android QWERTY Hits The FCC

Motorola has been steadily rolling out devices and it looks like they aren’t showing any sign of slowing as the Motorola i866 iDEN device has recently shown up in an FCC filing. This device will come quipped with the push-to-talk feature and features a unique form factor that we come to expect from Motorola as they have given us devices like the BackFlip and FlipOut. There aren’t many juicy details as far as specs go, but we do see a few features like:

  • Android OS
  • Motoblur
  • 2-megapixel camera
  • Video recording
  • Push-to-talk
  • Wi-Fi
  • GPS

We’re unsure what version of Android, but we’re willing to bet Android 2.1 will ship with this device. There’s a little more information from the FCC if you’re willing to read through some .pdf files. There’s no word on pricing or availability yet, but we should hear something relatively soon. What do you all think about the keyboard?

Via: FCC, Phandroid