
[Images & Video] HP Slate 7 Android Tablet

HP Slate 7 Android tablet
You should know by now that HP has officially announced their first full-fledged Android tablet, the HP Slate 7. It is scheduled to go on sale in April for a very affordable price tag of $169. It might not be a top of the line slate, but the price tag and the features line up well. While press images and renders of the tablet are nice, we know that you guys want to see real photos and some hands on videos of it in action. Since we aren’t in Barcelona at Mobile World Congress we dug out some from our friends at Electronista and PocketNow.

HP S;ate 7 Android Tablet HP Slate 7 Android Tablet

It isn’t anything remarkable, but we think it has its place. It will come down to how well HP supports the community on it really. However, we know many will say get a Nexus 7, but the SD card slot might pull some people towards the device even with the odd resolution. Especially since it looks like they left the OS alone and didn’t try to create some god awful UI.