
Indoor maps launched by Google for use in the UK

Indoor maps is the next big WOW factor in GPS and mapping features to hit the globe. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent walking in circles in side malls trying to find a stupid store. Yes, I know they make a store directory, but I have always been ‘that guy’ that will find it on his own. The only exception to that is perhaps mega conventions like CES. We need all the help we can getting around that place.

Now Google has just given UK users a nice new view of indoor locations. Over 40 venues in the UK have worked with Google to provide a comprehensive view and listing of whats inside some locations. Ranging from train stations, art galleries, department stores and sports venues. If that isn’t enough, if you a building owner, you can even upload your maps for future inclusion to Google maps. How cool is that. It will save a lot of Google employee time.

Source: Google Latlong