
Ingress, a new Augmented Reality game headed our way from Google

Does Google and their various labs ever take a day off? We don’t think so. Ingress is the latest released project from NianticLabs@Google. You might recognize that lab as they were the ones that brought us  Field Trip. The new project is in closed beta status right now, but you can get your hands on the app in the Play Store. You will want to sign-up on their website to request an invite. We have already done so, but have not received anything yet.

So what is Ingress? That is a really good question. Tee video and the images that are attached to the Play Store release are pretty cryptic. From what I understand is that Ingress will take advantage of your devices rear facing camera. Using the world around you as the basis for the story line and the game. It is all based off a mysterious energy that was unearthed by a team of scientists in Europe. They believe the it is influencing the way people think.

The description seems to indicate that you will choose your sides. Either be part of “The Enlightened” who seek to embrace the power of the energy, or “The Resistance” who struggle to defend the population against it. This won’t be just a one man show either, it is going to be a global augmented relativity game that will connect people from around the world like none other. You will want to form alliances with people from around the world to join you in your adventure. You will have to solve clues and secret codes to unlock the mysteries of the energy.

It all sounds bloody amazing. As we said before though, the game is in closed beta right now. According to AllThingD the project was internally called Nemesis and has been tested by Google employees around the globe for the last six months. We seriously can’t wait to get in on this insanity. We imagine that living or working in areas with rich history and larger populations will get more enjoyment and action out of it then those of us that live in the sticks. I hope my little town can help save humanity from who ever or whatever is behind the mysterious force.

Feel free to install the app below, of course it won’t do you any good until you get an invite from Google. To to that you will need to head over to and register for an invite at the bottom of the page. You might also want to go ahead and join in the investigation through the various social networks that are all up and running for the game as well, they are listed below for your convenience.

Join the investigation:

Application: Ingress
Developer: NianticLabs@Google
Cost: FREE

Via AllThingsD