
Instagram finally lands for Android, get it Now

After months of hoping, dreaming and finally getting confirmation that Instagram was indeed coming to Android. We are happy to finally be able to announce that it is live in the Play Store for all to enjoy. Bringing with it all the wonders and glory that our iOS counter parts have used and enjoyed for quite some time.

☆ 100% free custom designed filters and borders
☆ Lux works its magic by making your photos more vibrant and brings out details in your photos you couldn’t see before
☆ Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare (Flickr coming very soon)
☆ Interact with friends through giving & receiving likes and comments
☆ Works with Android versions 2.2 and above that support OpenGL ES 2
☆ Full front & back camera support
☆ And much much more…

Co-founder, Kevin Systrom, mentioned during SXSW “in some ways, it is better than our iOS app.” While I have never used Instagram before, nor do I own an iOS product, I can only hope it has things included that make our version top-notch. I personally don’t see the big deal about the app. For all intents and purposes it is a place to share photos and edit them before hand. I have heard the iOS is a little gimped when it comes to features like that, while Android users have had such functionality for quite some time. I sure don’t mid seeing another iOS exclusive app land on our little robot OS though, keeps things a little more even.

If you have been one the millions waiting to get your hands on Instagram, just click or scan that handy little QR code below. Let us know what you think of it.

Application: Instagram
Developer: Instagram
Cost: FREE