• News
  • 14 October, 2011

Is the Department of Defence watching your data usage on Sprints Network?

Conspiracies are one of my favorite past times. Does Area 51 exist? Is the government hiding alien crafts or alien bodies? Does the Government run tests on unwitting American cities. Will we all be rounded up under martial law and tossed into concentration camps if we don’t follow the New World Order? No matter what you believe or have even heard of, there is always something going on that the general population is not made aware of. Be it for our own safety, National Security or just because they can. That sure as heck doesn’t mean we like to see things that there is no explanation for.

This easily falls into one of those categories and some conspiracy theorist can spin this into all sort of wonderful tales of deception and pay-offs. The origins of this information stemmed from a post located in the bowels of the XDA forums and brought to light over at AndroidGuys. It looks like Sprints 3G/4G IP addresses are now owned by the DoD. There have been reports and complaints of their network being a little sluggish over the last week or so, could this be the explanation?

The information has been confirmed by various other sprint users from around the U.S. and it is somewhat of a troubling thing to see. I ran the same test on my device, which is T-Mobile, and I was greeted with the usual T-Mobile information and address. I am very curious to hear about other carriers IP addresses now. Are AT&T and Verizon coming up normal or have they been ‘compromised?’

If you want to give this a go for yourself, you can do it via two methods. Both will require you to be on your carriers data network, not your home or work Wi-Fi connections.

Method one:

  • Open terminal emulator and type ‘ifconfig’
  • Run ‘WHOIS‘ and type in the IP address you were provided.

Method two:

  • Open you web browser on your device and go to www.showmyip.com
  • Run ‘WHOIS‘ and type in the IP address given to you.

It doesn’t mean you are going to see the Men in Black showing up at your door step if you are searching for porn a little more often than they think you should. It is still a little shady if you ask me. Then again, everything any Government does is shady.

Source:XDA via AndroidGuys