
Japan gets Nexus 4, both 8 and 16 GB models now Available

Nexus 4 Japan
How does a manufacturer or brand get bigger? Simple, bring the same device to as many countries as possible. It is that approach that has made Samsung the leader in sales when it comes to Android devices. It is what will help HTC regain some profits when the HTC One launches and it is exactly what Google is working towards with the Nexus line. They have very recently been able to get the Nexus 4 available for people to purchase in Japan. While certain services and options in the Play Store don’t work globally yet, at least another nation of Android users will have a chance to get their hands on a true Google branded device.

All the specs are the same specs that we are used to seeing and loving. Of course it will all be in Japanese though. This is great for Google and for Android. While we know Japan has access to some great Android devices, getting their hands on a Nexus 4 was a little tricky.

Via 9to5Google