
Jelly Bean gets pushed out for ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity after brief Delay

Last week ASUS made it known that both the Transformer Prime and Transformer Infinity would be getting updates tot Jelly Bean. Prime owners started to see the sweet treat, but the Infinity was delayed. Mostly due to some compatibility issues with apps that recently updated, like Facebook. Shortly after the updates started hitting for the Prime, ASUS let people in the XDA forums and various other locations, that the Infinity update would be delayed until this week. Sticking to their word, which they seem to do pretty darn well, ASUS is now in the process of pushing the Jelly Bean update out to the Infinity. Looks like those of you with an Infinity have something nice waiting for you to lessen the brutality of another Monday.

Make sure your Infinity has a good amount of charge, well over 50% is generally recommended, then head to the settings and check for updates. It might not show up right away, but it is out there. Prime owners had t hit 2 or 3 times before the OTA appeared.

Source: Phandroid