
Jelly Bean Now Ported to the International HTC One X. Hopefully One S will soon Follow

Just keeps getting more and more exciting. Developers have dropped everything and are trying to get Jelly Bean on to as many phones as they can. With all versions of the Galaxy Nexus getting ports, the next on the list of super phones that shall receive the candy are the HTC One phones. First being the international HTC One X. XDA Senior Member tgascoigne has ported an initial build over to the One X, but their are still issues of course with this alpha release. WiFi, audio, camera, are just a few things that are having issues so this is by all means not a daily driver yet. It is a start though, and if you own an international One X and you want to at least get a taste of “Project Butter”, head down to the thread below and let us know what you think.

XDA Thread