• News
  • 20 July, 2012

Jelly Bean testing begins for Samsung Galaxy S II and S III

There are very few things on Android junkies minds. For many their list is pretty simple right now. When will my Nexus 7 arrive and when will my current device get Jelly Bean. Not all devices will get Jelly Bean just as many did not and still will not get Ice Cream Sandwich. We know the GSM Galaxy Nexus, GSM Nexus S and Nexus 7 are already getting or have some sweet treats delivered. Among others, HTC has stated a few devices are in the works right along with ASUS and some of their tablets. What about the two big devices from Samsung that have made them billions?

We are talking about the Galaxy S II and the new Galaxy S III. According to Androidheadlines, both devices are already in the Jelly Bean testing phase and “Samsung is almost ready to update.” Now, that means Samsung is, that doesn’t mean T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint or U.S. Cellular are. When Jelly Bean does roll out it will hit the International GSM devices first and then our beloved carriers will bloat it up and push it when they are darn good and ready. We have ever reason to believe the Galaxy SIII will get an update before the Galaxy S II and some carriers could forego a Jelly Bean update to the Galaxy S II all together in favor of selling more Galaxy S III devices.

No matter what our carriers end up doing, we know one thing for sure. When Jelly Bean is made available to these two devices via Samsung, the developers will be hard at work to make sure all variants can get some love. That is assuming you aren’t all already running CM10 by then anyways. Let’s just hope Samsung makes a better effort to get updates out then they have in the past.

Source: AndroidHeadlines