Well they come and they go. The grandfather of the ROM customization business is calling it quits and he sure will be missed. JesusFreke was one of the first ROM hacker/customizers to release the custom ROMs for the Dream / G1 and most of the ROM’s you can download today have some form of history to JesusFreke.
From his blog:
I’ve decided to call it quits on the whole rom making thing. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I haven’t done much work on the rom lately anyway, not to mention the way overdue CRC1 rom that I never got out. I’ll still be around of course, working on smali and hanging out on freenode. But I just don’t have enough interest in doing rom work anymore to continue.
I sincerely appreciate all the kind words about my roms, and I want to again thank everyone who has donated.
If you’re looking for a new rom to try, I recommend cyanogen’s stable or experimental roms. He’s put a lot of work into them, and they have many more features than mine do/did.
Also, If anyone wants to grab my build environment and maintain a “JF-style†build on their own, go for it
If you need any pointers on how to update the build environment as new official releases come out, feel free to ask (There really isn’t all that much involved in it).
 Anyone wanting to get to his official blog and maybe leave some thanks can head here.