
Judge Dredd Countdown Sector 106 hits Mega City… Google Play Store

judge dredd countdown sector 106How iconic is the phrase “I AM THE LAW”? It’s probably one of my favourite phrases of all time (obviously beaten by “I am your father”). Quotes aside, Judge Dredd is one of those characters that, whether you think he is corny or the ultimate badass, sticks with you forever. Another thing that I know has stuck with me since my younger days are adventure books; the kind of books where you turn to page no. X to die. Tin Man Games has decided to marry these two amazing things into one game: Judge Dredd Countdown Sector 106.

The story of Countdown Sector 106 is a new one written by Nick Robinson and features that lovable adventure book mechanic and adds on some RPG aspects and digital interactivity. I don’t know what else to say; I guess I’ll let the features list speak for itself:

  • Newly written interactive story by Nick Robinson that takes the reader on an epic ride through Mega-City One.
  • Custom built e-book interface, which is easy to use. As easy as reading a book!
  • Read in portrait or landscape. (tablet only)
  • New gamebook rules and battle system using the Gamebook Adventures Engine. Judge’s Handbook included so that rules can be accessed at any time during the adventure if you need to refresh yourself.
  • Real-time 3D dice rolling with realistic physics. Shake the device like a dice shaker and watch the 3D dice bounce around the scene and off each other.
  • Make skill rolls based on the weapons you use, your fitness levels, and your perceived authority.
  • Accessible inventory sheet at all times during reading, which auto updates when you pick up an item, your stats change, or you gain valuable patrol notes.
  • Difficulty levels – Hardcore, Medium and Novice. Play the book how it was meant to be played or casually read it in an easier mode.
  • Use bookmarks to save your progress, helping you get past tricky sections.
  • Achievements to collect throughout the book for those who wish to thoroughly explore all aspects of the story.
  • Perp records sheets to collect during the adventure. Once a criminal is arrested or killed, their database updates with background information. Catch them all!
  • Beautifully illustrated by German Ponce and other popular Dredd artists. Once found, each illustration is mounted on the gallery wall.

If that list hasn’t made you excited, then maybe you need to spend some time in an Iso-Cube…

Judge Dredd Countdown Sector 106 is live now on Google Play for $5.99. That sounds a bit steep, but Tin Man Games is very well versed in adventure books (just take a look at their resume), so you know it will be a comprehensive experience. I know I can’t wait to try it, what are your thoughts on this new book/game?

Game: Judge Dredd Countdown Sector 106

Play Store Link

Price: $5.99