
JustAnotherCrowd’s xROM Eclair Beta Released

justanotherdev has released a beta version of his new xROM. You can download it here

Some Tweets from JAC:

Here is the Eclair build for those interested. Compcache is included CM’s settings mods.

5 screen launcher and some other goodies. Nice and fast for an eclair build though. I’ll be cleaning it up etc so remember this is a BETA

Ill clear out my PM’s at XDA so folks can send me bug reports until i get another option up. Remember this is Beta JAC/CMMOD Eclair we need

Nexus wallpapers are included but this is straight AOSP Eclair build from the 31st of new code has dropped since

Make sure to thank Cyanogen too this was compiled from his Eclair source with only a few changes afterwords for gbits etc

I’ll get more time tomorrow and take a good look at it and make sure the AndroidStory Database is updated.  Maybe Flash it and get some screen shots as well.

If you get this flashed in the meantime, leave us some feedback in the comments.