kb7sqi has released version 2.7.2 of his Rogers MOD.
V2.7.2 – New Build based off of V2.3 that includes the following:
-New Kernel based off my Magic Build that includes the new compcache-0.5.4 modules & swap_free_notify_patch. Compcache now enabled by default
-New init structure! Keep it Simple Stupid. 😉 a2d is not enabled by default, use the a2sd update previded below!
-Removed QuickOffice from build. Warez Free!
-Added HTC_CIME.apk for complete Chinese Support as requested.
-Updated the APN list and fixed the Network Search issue! I’m sure this will make many European users happy! This required reverting back to the stock libhtc_ril.so and updating the build.prop files. Now you’ll notice an H most of the time when using 3g. It’s ok. 🙂
-Updated both the modules.sqf & updated xbin.sqf from Magic Build.
Head over to kb7sqi’s AndroidStory Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.