
Keep track of World Cup 2014 on your Pebble thanks to Kimono Labs

World Cup 2014 on your PebbleThe round of 16 is about the start at the World Cup 2014 in Brazil so it’s all about to get very serious in the world of soccer. If you’re the type of person who can’t be watching the television every minute of the day to keep track of the scores, maybe having the World Cup 2014 on your Pebble is a viable option. Thanks to Kimono Labs, a new API has been developed that allows you to keep track of live scores as well as games that are coming up. It’s a pretty nifty app, particularly if you have to work, or are busy, and the beauty is that it also allows for the time to be shown just in case you might just spend a bit too much time staring at your Pebble.

World Cup 2014 on your PebbleIs having the scores on your Pebble a bit too much of a temptation? Perhaps you’d prefer to support your country’s World Cup campaign with a Pebble watchface instead, though if you’re anything like me, it will be all for naught since Australia is already out of the running. Still, it’s all a bit of fun, and it’s nice to see that developer support for the Pebble is still going strong in the wake of Android Wear’s announcement. If you want to try the World Cup 2014 app on Pebble, you can check out a few more details on its app page here, or visit your Pebble AppStore to download it directly.

Source: Pebble Blog