
Kernel code for the T-Mobile Xperia Z1s released by Sony

The kernel source code for a device is a great thing for developers and those that like to tinker with their device. More and more manufacturers are starting to get on the proverbial bandwagon and have been doing a fairly great job at keeping the kernel codes for their devices out and available. Many have even been right on point to have them available right after an update goes out or when a new device is physically available for purchase. Sony has done just that. Just yesterday the Xperia Z1s became available for customers at physical T-Mobile stores. At the same time, Sony released the kernel code for that very device.

Sony Xperia Z1s T-Mobile Kernel source
Wahoo! Right? Well, sort of. While the kernel code is key to development and tweaking of your device, it won’t do much good if the bootloader doesn’t get unlocked. That is and still is an issue with the original Xperia Z from T-Mobile. It didn’t gain a large enough following for the devs to spend a lot of free time cracking it open. Which is sad because it really is a great device. Same thing applies to the Xperia Z1s as T-Mobile has requested the bootloader be locked. Not really surprising though. Hopefully the Z1s gains enough of a following that this little issue gets side skirted.

Go get your download on if you would like to though. You can pick up the 347MB file over at Developer.SonyMobile.

Source: Sony Mobile Via Android Police