
Kindle Fire gets some Gameloft love, 6 games on sale in the Amazon AppStore for a Buck

Are you the proud owner of a new Kindle Fire? Then you might want to put that new tablet to work with some great games from Gameloft. They just keep bringing the deals to us left and right. The most recent deal offers up six great titles for the Kindle Fire that are almost a must have, even for the casual gamer. Among the discounted titles are Order & Chaos, Shadow Guardian HD and Uno.

If you aren’t sporting a Kindle Fire and are looking for some gaming action, we have found out that Hero of Sparta and Shadow Guardian HD are currently on special in the Amazon AppStore for other devices, just as low. Also, I cross references the market and Block Breaker 3 Unlimited is in there for only a buck.

I am sure Gameloft will have sort of Christmas sale up and running shortly for the rest of the Android community and as soon as we hear about it we will let you all know.

Source: Amazon AppStore via AndroidPolice