Last week we saw Samsung had released the source code for Android 4.4 KitKat for the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3. We usually see an update to the corresponding device within a day or so. Sadly it took a few more days than that for T-Mobile to start the push. It would appear that the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for the Galaxy Note 3 has begun. Â It has popped up a few times for various users on XDA and a user on the T-Mobile support page has alerted people as well.

We can only guess at what the update has done, or what T-Mobile has altered. Certainly there will be some bug fixes, tweaks and performance improvements. Samsung reportedly was going to be altering the UI, Location Menu, Enhanced Messaging and Upgraded Google Mobile Service Apps.
Source: T-Mobile Support | XDAÂ
Via Androidandme