
Lapse It celebrates one year anniversary, makes major update and offers Pro app for 50% Off

We all remember when Google announced the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. One of the big features that oohs and aahd everyone was the time-lapse photography. It gave you the ability to use a stand, or even your hand if you were steady enough, and take images with your device at set intervals. It is a pretty cool camera trick really. What some of you didn’t know what that there was already an application in the Play Store that gave everyone that ability. It was called Lapse It by Interactive Universe.

The app allowed you to create your own time-lapse photo videos quickly and easily on your current device. It has the ability to insert sound tracks, a customizable frame rate, stop motion mode, video trimmer, reverse time function and plenty of other high-quality features. It really is a truly amazing application that anyone interested in capturing a time lapsed event or river, or ocean waves or anything else should get their hands on.

Interactive Universe is celebrating their one year anniversary of the launch of Lapse It this week. In celebration they have released a fairly large and important update to the app.

What’s in this version:

Full Jelly Bean support
Capturing in less than one second
Flash Support
Improved Interface Design
Better 1080p support
Fixes for all issues in the previous versions
And more

Jelly Bean support is key to their success and something that need to happen to all apps as soon as possible. Personally though I am a bit more exited about being able to capture images in less than one second. Now, we don’t mean just taking photos in less than a second. You guys can do that with the HTC One line and the Galaxy S III. Being able to take multiple images in less than one second for an extended period of time and have it rendered into a video is way cooler.

In addition to the great new features, they are also offer the Pro version of the app up for 50%. That brings it from $1.99 down to $0.99. sure, 50% sounds huge, but the app was already ridiculously inexpensive to begin with. You are able to give the basic app a whirl for free, but snagging the Pro version will open up a whole lot more for you to play around with. As usual, hit up the QR codes below the little videos. Just click or scan the one you are after and enjoy.

Want to see more videos taken sith Lapse It? Easy, head over to their website and check out the user submitted gallery.

Application: Lapse It 
Developer: Interactive Universe
Cost: FREE

Application: Lapse It Pro 
Developer: Interactive Universe
Cost: $0.99 on sale