• News
  • 18 October, 2012

Larry Page confirms Android activation’s still steady at 1.3 million a Day

Earlier today Google’s 3rd quarter earnings report leaked out a little ahead of schedule. It caused some issues and we bet someone got fired for it. They showed showed some numbers that proved to be correct. All of them a bit lower than Google, their investors and the world thought they would. Well, since then Google has had their earnings report call with the investors. It all goes to public knowledge and nothing is secret. Don’t think someone bugged an office and jumped off a skyscraper with insider intel.

The call went over all the same stuff we all already heard and knew. There was a small bit of new information. CEO Larry Page confirmed that Android activation’s are sitting at 1.3 million per day. I am sure that is an average and not a precise number by any means. It is interesting though because that is the same number of activation’s per day that he announced back in September when Motorola announced the new RAZR line.

Why the stagnant growth? It could be any ones guess really. Could be the economy, could be the competition, could simple be that there are a number of sweet looking devices yet to be announced this year and people are holding back until they are all officially out. Google and Android are by no means in any trouble, so don’t go freaking out and buy a Windows phone. It would have been nice to hear a slightly higher number come out though. 1.3 million a day is still a lot of Android devices.

Via Droiddog