• News
  • 4 August, 2010

Latest CM6 Nightly Features 720P Recording for the Nexus One

With all of these devices coming out, you would assume the Nexus One was old and outdated, but the specs of the Nexus One still compete with these top devices. The Nexus One was lacking a feature that devices like the Motorola Droid X and the Galaxy S devices are shipping with: 720p recording. That was until the latest CM6 Nightly ROM came out. 720p recording was a feature on the previous works from the CM team, but users were limited to the Android 2.1 firmware. Now, Android 2.2 can run on your device and bring you the best of both worlds. This feature still has some bugs, but it’s there. Here’s a video below of 720p recording in action.

Source: Androidpolice

Is this a feature that you can live without? Let us know in the comments below.