
Leak: Android 2.2 FRF72 Patch Now Available for Your Nexus One

A few days ago we heard and reported that some people who received the first round of Android 2.2 updates for their Nexus Ones had received another incremental update taking the build number to FRF72.  It was reported that the update was to fix some issues with the browser and Flash support.  We still don’t know any more information than this but what we do know is that you can now download the update for yourself.

Thanks to our good friend Mikey from XDA who hit me up this morning at the crack of dawn to let me kn0w the leak was out.  ( It would have been better if he’d turned up in person with Starbucks, damn you GChat )

You can now download the FRF50 to FRF72 patch directly from the Google site or right here on AndroidStory.

UPDATE: If you need help installing this update, you can use the guide I wrote in the forums.

* You will need to have the Android 2.2 Update previously leaked before you can install this new update.

If you get the update installed, be sure to let us know what you find!  Is it faster? Do you see any new options?  Let us know in the comments below!