
[LEAK] The Sony Xperia G looks like it will be Sony’s next mid-range Smartphone

Sony Xperia GSony‘s never been very good at keeping a lid on their upcoming releases, despite their best intentions. The latest device to get leaked out appears to be a more mid-range device named the Sony Xperia G, according to ViziLeaks. Vizileaks says that this Xperia G will have LTE, a 4.8-inch display, 1GB RAM, 8GB storage, 8MP camera and won’t have any sort of water resistance. Both photos, above and below, show the Xperia G sandwiched below what looks like a Xperia Z1, and while there’s very little to see, you will notice that the camera position of the Xperia G is slightly different to that of the Z1, as is the power button position, and you’ll also spot a micro-USB port too.

Sony Xperia GAs far as I can see, the Xperia G is poised to be a direct competitor to the surprising success that is the Motorola Moto G which married a brilliant compromise of hardware with a very attractive price-tag. From the leaked specs, it looks like the Xperia G has the advantage in one key area which is LTE support, something that the Moto G has a glaring lack of. I found it most interesting that Sony wouldn’t make the Xperia G water resistant as this would be a key advantage in the mid-range smartphone market, but it’s most likely an attempt to keep costs low to compete at the Moto G’s level.

Would you be interested in a mid-range Sony Xperia G? Do you like the look of it from these photos? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Twitter (1), (2) via engadget