
[LEAK] Could this wearable be the rumoured Huawei smartwatch?

Huawei smartwatchAt MWC 2014, we’re expecting a whole number of devices to be announced, in particular a large number of wearable devices from smartphone manufacturers. One of these wearables is rumoured to be Huawei’s very first smartwatch, and if this picture from one of its executives is anything to go by, they might not be adopting the standard route for smartwatches. The picture of the Huawei smartwatch was posted on Chinese social media site Weibo by the Huawei executive and accompanied by a message “My new toy. Do you like this colour?”.

Huawei smartwatchIf this is the real deal, Huawei looks like it has taken a more fitness approach to its first smartwatch, and while it’s not exactly a looker, we can’t be certain this will be what the final device will look like; prior to the Samsung Galaxy Gear‘s launch, a less-than-flattering picture leaked out of the device, though this was later proven to be an early prototype by Samsung officials and sure enough, the actual announced device thankfully looked completely different (check the leaked photo out here). While that’s not to say this isn’t what Huawei’s first wearable is going to look like either, but it’s best to be wary about these leaks prior to MWC.

What do you think about this leaked photo: would you consider this Huawei smartwatch if this is what it turned out looking like? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Weibo via engadget